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Saturday, 7 January 2012

Science Boys Character Profiles

Based on research in programmes such as 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'The Inbetweeners' which have really inspired out Science Boys concept, me and Kirsty have created these four basic character outlines:

....he is the groups 'leader' and will be providing the voice-over for the opening sequence describing his friends to the audience. Matt wants to be cool, thinks he is a bit of a ladies man and tries to not fit to the 'science nerd' stereotype so attempts to wear fashionable clothing and use fashionable sayings, but unfortunately fails. 

Ashley a very feminate character who looks stylish, but does not fit in with the 'sporty' boys and finds he fits in more with the 'science nerds'. He is the sarcastic and blunter member of the group which is where his humour comes from and he does tend to look down on the other science Boys seeing himself as superior in all ways.

Fenton an extravagant character who is seen by others as 'weird'. He wears sunglasses and strange hats and says odd things but has a real passion for physics and is very intelligent. He is the quietest of the Science Boys group who doesn't see it as nessasary to talk unless it is to say something he sees as useful. 

Daniel the clumsy and forgetful character who is very intelligent at science, but forget minor things like his house keys. He will be the character who drops his belongs which will be used for the credit sequence and is always lagging behind the other Science Boys. His humour will come from a slap-stick side as he will trip and fall and bump into things.

We have sent our actors lists of what clothing we would like them to wear and any props they may be able to bring for when we shoot so they have time to find an outfit. The clothing lists me and Kirsty created were based on what the characters are like.

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